"Writing is easy. All you do is stare at a blank sheet of paper until drops of blood form on your forehead."
Gene Fowler
06.12.2008 Happy 69th, Uncle Miltie
by Eldon Vern Chittick
06.01.2008 Kathy
by Eldon Vern Chittick
03.17.2008 The Evil Leprauchan
by Kyle Chittick
09.18.2004 Milton Klein, Esq | Upon His Retirement
by Eldon Chittick
05.25.2004 Retirement Can Be a Painless Extraction
by Eldon Chittick
01.09.2004 What Exactly is a Puffer Fish?
by Kyle Chittick
05.22.2003 Shawna's 33rd Birthday
by Eldon Chittick
03.08.2003 Sharla's 37th Birthday
by Eldon Chittick
01.10.2003 Denny Jeff's 35th Birthday
by Eldon Chittick
12.12.2002 Jimmy at 41
by Eldon Chittick
10.16.2002 Egan's 32nd Birthday
by Eldon Chittick
10.15.2002 Bradley's 32nd Birthday
by Eldon Chittick
09.16.2002 Happy 2nd Anniversary
by Eldon Chittick
09.11.2002 Sager's Seven
by Eldon Chittick
09.09.2002 Seven Year Itch
by Eldon Chittick
06.14.2002 Ranasha
by Eldon Chittick
05.19.2002 Ally Qooo
3rd Birthday
by Eldon Chittick
05.12.2002 Happy Mother's Day 2002
by Eldon Chittick
05.05.2002 Quilene's 28th Birthday
by Eldon Chittick
04.25.2002 For Thaden Bradley Heuer
by Eldon Chittick
04.21.2002 Thanks... I think?
by Eldon Chittick
04.18.2002 Our 40th
by Eldon Chittick
04.2000 The Man From Corvallis
by Eldon Chittick
Short Stories:
07.29.2008 Ask and She Shall Receive'
by Kyle Chittick
07.22.2008 Wedding 'Shells'
by Kyle Chittick
07.05.2008 An Even Trade
by Kyle Chittick
06.10.2008 The Zoo
by Kyle Chittick
05.22.2008 Hangover Morning
by Kyle Chittick
04.30.2008 I Hate it When The Power Goes Out
by Kyle Chittick
01.30.1986 My Leafy Perch
by Kyle Chittick
03.1984 The Document
by Kyle Chittick
07.11.2008 Quietly Peeping
by Kyle Chittick
06.27.2008 Lost in Translation
by Kyle Chittick
06.15.2008 I'm in my 40's now
by Kyle Chittick
06.12.2008 Over Promise, Under Deliver
by Kyle Chittick
06.05.2008 Arden Boone
by Kyle Chittick
06.01.2008 The Apathetic Sea
by Kyle Chittick
05.14.2008 Impetuous Newbie
by Kyle Chittick
05.09.2008 Missing My Sister
by Kyle Chittick
05.05.2008 Shadow
by Kyle Chittick
02.15.2003 The Captain
by Kyle Chittick
01.30.2003 Lauren
by Kyle Chittick
06.1983 The Unclimbable Tree of Bainbridge High
by Kyle Chittick