The Apathetic Sea
Author: Kyle
Date: 06.01.2008
crashing waves pound steel
wind blusters, flailing aged paint
a compass points home
submitted via fanstory.com in the 'Haiku' contest for June
2008. Rules were supplied as follows:
For this contest you are challenged to write a Haiku poem. Haiku
is a
form of poetry that only uses three lines. The first line contains
(5) syllables, the second line seven (7) syllables, and the
third line
contains five (5) syllables.
Haiku doesn't rhyme. A Haiku must "paint" a mental
image in the reader's
mind. This is the challenge of Haiku - to put the poem's meaning
imagery in the reader's mind in only 17 syllables over just
three lines
of poetry.
It's often about nature but we are keeping the topic
open. Write about
nature, feelings, or experiences - whatever you feel will work
- that
follows this format. |