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"640 K ought to be enough memory for anybody."
-- Bill Gates, 1981.

Chittick Businesses:
Business involving chitticks and their kin, or started by chitticks, or carrying the name.
Bishop & Co. Livestock Auctions/Consulting - Australia. Ron Chittick
Moombilleen Cottage B&B, Australia. Peter & Val Chittick - owner.
Peak Systems Web Dev, WA. Kyle Chittick - part-owner.
Trent Real estate, WA. Trent Chittick - owner.
Waikatostud Horse Raising, New Zealand. Garry Chittick - owner.


Chitticks and their kin, and their personal web sites.
Angie Chittick - Business & Computer Teacher
Barr Chittick - Reverend, Faith Luthern Church FL.
Chad Chittick - Photographer
Dr. Donald Chittick OR - Creationist Physical Chemist
Dr. John B. Chittick MA - Executive Director, TeenAIDS PeerCorps
Kyle Chittick WA - IT Project Manager, Web Developer
JoAnne Chittick MA - Award-winning Watercolor Painter
Lincoln Chittick - Teen Actor from SE Queensland, Australia
Luke Hobgood-Chittick - U Mass, College Football Player
Marg Chittick - Australia - Dog Obedience Instructor
Nichole Chittick - Kamiak HS Point Guard
Nate Hobgood-Chittick - NFL Professional Football Player
Ranasha Dawn (Howze) Chittick - NBA Phoenix Sun Dance Team
Richard Chittick - Photographer
Russ Chittick - Scientologist
Yardley Chittick NH - Oldest Living Patent Attourney, 102 yrs old

Places, involving Chitticks or their name.
James J. Chittick Elementary School Boston, MA
Murray A. Chittick Elementary School New Brunswick, NJ


Bands, performers will go here.
Faith Alone Christian Music Band, FL - Barr Chittick, Vocalist/Writer
MainStream Wrestling Amatuer Wrestling, Nova Scotia, Canada.
  Devin Chittick - wrestler/owner.
Voodoo Sex Stuff - Band, Atlanta, GA - Chuck & Nicole Chittick

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